General information

TBA-Advocaten is professional partnership in the form of a private company with limited liability (BVBA), with its registered office at 9000 Ghent, Sint-Martensstraat 16 and offices at the same address. The firm’s company registration number is 0474.605.063

The firm’s lawyers

1. Jan Temmerman

practices the profession of lawyer as business manager of ADVOCAAT JAN TEMMERMAN EBVBA, single-member professional partnership in the form of a private company with limited liability – Crossroads Bank for Enterprises no. 0473.776.110 (GHENT Register of Legal Entities).

2. Peter Bouckaert

practices the profession of lawyer as business manager of PETER BOUCKAERT BVBA, professional partnership in the form of a private company with limited liability – Crossroads Bank for Enterprises no. 0444.374.816 (GHENT Register of Legal Entities).

3. Eveline Temmerman

practices the profession of lawyer in a personal capacity. Crossroads Bank for Enterprises no. 0816.675.068 (GHENT Register of Legal Entities).

4. Andreas De Rycke

practices the profession of lawyer in a personal capacity. Crossroads Bank for Enterprises no. 0538.846.678 (GHENT Register of Legal Entities).

5. Robin D’Huyvetter

practices the profession of lawyer in a personal capacity. Crossroads Bank for Enterprises no. 0634.978.430 (GHENT Register of Legal Entities).

6. Morgan Bechet

practices the profession of lawyer in a personal capacity. Crossroads Bank for Enterprises no. 0660.690.358 (GHENT Register of Legal Entities).

7. Niels Rogge

practices the profession of lawyer in a personal capacity. Crossroads Bank for Enterprises no. 0661.710.838 (GHENT Register of Legal Entities).

8. Arthur Roosen

practices the profession of lawyer in a personal capacity. Crossroads Bank for Enterprises no. 0662.524.450 (GHENT Register of Legal Entities).

All the Lawyers in our firm are registered to practice law in Belgium and are members of the Ghent Bar, as well as being members of the Flemish Bar Council. All the Lawyers are governed by the regulations of the Flemish Bar Council (see The Lawyers are practitioners in the fields set out under the ‘expertise’ section of our website.

contact, information and complaints

You can contact us through the ‘contact’ section on this website or through the personal email address for each lawyer.

Should you require further information or if you have a complaint, you can reach us by email at or by telephone at +32 (0)9 223 04 41.

liability & professional liability insurance

The professional liability of all Lawyers has primary layer insurance under the collective ‘professional civil liability’ policy taken out by the Flemish Bar Council with Amlin Europe NV, Koning Albert II Laan 37, 1030 Brussels. The purpose of this insurance policy is to insure the Lawyers against the financial consequences of contractual or extra-contractual civil liability resulting from damage or loss caused to third parties, including their clients, in the exercising of their profession.

Further cover has been taken out as follows:

- Lawyers Jan Temmerman and Peter Bouckaert: excess layer insurance (CHARTIS EUROPE S.A. 323/3.016.702/014 policy) up to 2,000,000 EUR per loss event/per lawyer/per annum and third layer insurance (GERLING – KONZERN ALLGEMEINE VERSICHERUNGS AG 60/72044/23/004 policy) up to 7,500,000 EUR per loss event/per lawyer/per annum;

- lawyer Jean Cloquet: excess layer insurance (ETHIAS 45084974gent policy) up to 2,500,000 EUR per loss event/per lawyer/per annum;

- lawyer Koen Van de Gejuchte: excess layer insurance for 5,000,000 EUR (AG Insurance NV via policy Vanbreda Risk & Benefits 99.551.935) per policy year as a top-up and after the depletion of 2,500,000 EUR per loss event/per lawyer/per annum.

Unless expressly otherwise agreed to, the liability of the Lawyers of TBA-Advocaten on the grounds of professional errors is statutorily limited to the sum for which the lawyer is insured (less the excess). This limitation does not apply in the event of gross negligence or fault on the part of the lawyer. If the professional liability insurer does not cover the damage, without such being attributable to the lawyer, then the compensation on the grounds of a professional error by the lawyer is limited in respect of the principal, the costs and the interest to the sum of the fees charged at that time.

trust accounts

Funds received or held by the lawyer or lawyers on behalf of the Client are deposited into a bank account opened specially by the lawyer in accordance with the Bar regulations, known as a trust account.

Number trust account: BE09 4470 0890 8157


The file kept by TBA-Advocaten is (with the exception of those documents that the Client requests the return of) kept for no longer than 5 years after the final statement of costs and fees is sent.

applicable law and competent courts

The Lawyers of TBA-Advocaten provide their services under Belgian law. In the event of a dispute the courts of the place where the firm’s office is located, being the Courts of Ghent (Belgium), have sole jurisdiction.

fees-related disputes

Within the framework of an extrajudicial dispute resolution, the Lawyers of TBA-Advocaten are governed, with respect to fees-related disputes, by the arbitration rules for fees-related disputes of the Ghent Bar dated 17 February 2009 and the Code of the Ghent Bar dated 1 February 2009. Further information on the characteristics and the conditions of these rules are available at the Ghent Bar website (

The Lawyers of TBA-Advocaten are not governed by other codes of conduct.